Do meaningful work
I often hear the term “do meaningful work” and you will be successful. I struggle with the idea of just what meaningful work actually means. Seems like it should be starting a social enterprise or charity, opening a shelter for the homeless, discovering the cure for cancer or feeding the 3rd world. These are all great things to do, and this is certainly meaningful work. How then is what I do on a daily basis meaningful work. I’m building a tech business, where does meaningful come in to this, I had to think long and hard on this one, what exactly is meaningful work.
I think doing meaningful work is throwing your heart and mind in to something, giving it your all and making it every fibre of your being. Who is this meaningful to, well as bootstrapper’s it is meaningful to us, to our families, and our customers that we serve. The actual company that I’m building is a model of what I want to see in the world, a well connected world that better serves itself through interaction technology.
Its good to know that what we do each day is meaningful work.